Time To Prepper And Cook: About 1 HOUR and 30 MINUTES

Serving Size: 4 Persons 



Kibbeh (kubba or Koupas) dish is a family of dishes based on spiced ground meat and grain, popular in Middle-Eastern cuisine. Kibbeh (kubba or Koupas) dish is considered to be a national dish of Lebanon and Syria, and is popular in Palestine, Jordan, Egypt and Cyprus. It is also found throughout Latin American countries that received substantial numbers of immigrants from the Levant as well as parts of North America.

Kibbeh (kubba or koupes) paste is usually made with a mixture of bulgur wheat and ground beef or lamb meat warmed with Middle-Eastern kibbah (kubba or koupas) seasoning is pounded together a fine paste, then it formed into coned ball (as American football) and it's stuffed with cooked ground beef or lamb meat mixed with sumac spice, onion and toasted pine nuts then its and cooked deep fried vegetable oil until it become crusted corned ball.

Kibbeh (kubba or koupes) paste may also baked ceramics glaze bakeware or pyrex bakeware in oven (as meatloaf), by layered a thin layer of kibbah (kubba or koupas) paste in a bakeware and then add on top a layered of cooked ground beef or lamb meat mixed with sumac spice, onion and then a layered kibbah (kubba or koupas) paste and then it baked in oven, or it can be served raw. It’s often served as side dish and it can be served with delicious side dishes such; Tahini sesame oil dressing, Hummus, Baba Ghanoush, Tabbouleh salads or green salads. 

Kibbeh (kubba or Koupas) dish is paired with Tahoon – Kibbah (Koubes) Paste Seasoning.

1. How to make Kibbah (Koubes) Paste using Tahoon - Kibbah (Koubes) Paste Seasoning;


8 oz.         Bulgur Wheat Raw - Soft

8 oz.        Beef or Lamb Ground Beef (20% Fat)

1 tbsp.  Tahoon – Kibbah (Koubes) Paste Seasoning  Add To Cart 🛒

2 tbsp.      Sumac Spice – Ground - to your preference

1 Pc.          Fresh Yellow Onions – Small size

1 tbsp.      Olive Oil or Vegetable Oil

¼ tsp.      Salt - to your preference


oz.:     Ounce

Pc.:     Piece

tsp.:   Teaspoon

tbsp.: Tablespoon





Place the 8 oz. bulgur wheat into a fine mesh strainer and rinse with hot water (tap water). Wash the rice for about 20 seconds until the water runs clear. This will help get rid of the dusty starch and prevent the rice from being too sticky.


Place it into a bowl, add 2 cup boiled water and cover the bowl with any pan cover for 1 hr.



Peel the onion then cut it into 4 quarters and place it on a dish (to use later).


Strain water completely from the bulgur wheat, using the fine mesh strainer and then squeeze it by your hand to get rid of water completely and place it back into the bowl. 


Add the 8 oz. ground meat on top of the bulgur wheat, sprinkle the 1 tbsp. Tahoon – Kibbah (Koubes) Paste Seasoning (season as desired) and ¼ (quarter) tspsalt or (to your preference) start mixing all together, and then place the 4 quarters onion on top of all.



Grinding at least twice; Place a small quantity of the mix (the ground meat mixed with seasoning and salt including the 4 quarters onion) into food processor (the quantity depends on your food processer size) and then start grinding it until it becomes a very fine paste. Place the grounded mix into a bowl; continue grinding the rest of mix using the same procedure. After finishing the grinding, repeat again the grinding process for the paste until it become so fine. If the paste is still coarse, and you feel the bulgur wheat still coarse, repeat the grinding proses again.     


After finish grinding, add 1 tbsp. Sumac Spice or (to your preference), 1 tbsp. olive oil or vegetable oil on top of the paste then start mix it all together well until the paste becomes soft and coherent.

Now the kibbah (koupas) paste is ready and then dividing it into two half and places it on a tray to use later.  

2. How to make Kibbah (Koubes) Stuffing Meat using Tahoon – Bahart Mix Spice;


8 oz.     Beef or Lamb Ground Beef (0% to 5% Fat)

1 tbsp.   Tahoon – Baharat Mix Spice  Add To Cart 🛒

2 tbsp.  Sumac Spice – Ground

2               Fresh Yellow Onions – Medium size

2 tbsp.   Olive Oil or Vegetable Oil

1 tbsp.    Ghee Butter

¼ tsp.    Salt (As to your preference)

½ Cup   Pine Nuts Whole – Raw (As to your preference)


oz.:    Ounce

tsp.:   Teaspoon

tbsp.: Tablespoon




Peel the 2 onion and then cut it into 4 pieces (4 quarters) and place it into a food mixer (food processor), starts chop it until it turns into fine onion (not liquid).


Grab a non-stick cook pan, place it on stove at medium heat, put 2 tbsp. olive oil or (vegetable oil) in the pan and then put the fine onion and start stir it with a large spoon to cook evenly, do this until the fine onion fries and gets a yellowish color (golden color). Place the ground meat on top of the fine onion and keep stirring both until the ground meat become medium rare and then sprinkle ¼ (quarter) tbsp. salt or (to your preference) and keep stirring all together for a minute then sprinkle 1 tbsp.  Tahoon – Baharat Mix Spice or (to your preference) and continue stirring it until the ground meat gets done.


Place the seasoned ground meat into a fine mesh strainer to drain out the liquid and keep it until get cool then place it into a bowl.


Sprinkle 2 tbsp. ground sumac spice or (season as desired) on top of the seasoned ground meat, then you can add the ¼ (quarter) cup pine nuts raw or (to your preference) on top of the seasoned ground meat and start mix it all together well using a large spoon. 

Remark: you can fry the pine nuts in deep fryer with vegetable oil then drain it from oil and keep it get cool and then add it to the seasoned ground meat.

Now the kibbah (koupas) meat staffing is ready.




Grab a Ceramics glaze bakeware or Pyrex bakeware, if its rectangular shape, the size; about 12 inch Long x 8 inch Width x 2.5 inch high, or if its round the diameter of; 10.5 inch x 2.5 inch high (Why we suggesting to use these size!! because this measurement is good enough to fit the kibbah (koupas) paste quantity), then place the 1 tbsp. Ghee butter in a glass bowl and place it in microwave for 3 seconds, just to let the ghee butter soften and not melting, then start using brush to spreading the ghee butter inside the bakeware. 


Place the first half of kibbah (koupas) paste into a bakeware and start spreading the kibbah (koupas) paste by hand inside the bakeware until it cover the whole bakeware, make sure the thickness of the kibbah (koupas) paste should be about ½ (half) inch high or (to your preference). 


Place the whole kibbah (koupas) meat staffing on top of the kibbah (koupas) paste and start spreading it all over it.



Start dividing the other half of kibbah (koupas) paste into small equal balls, and then take one ball and place it on top of kibbah (koupas) meat staffing (start from a one side of the bakeware dish), then start spread it by hand on top of kibbah (koupas) meat staffing, after finishing the spreading of the first paste ball, grab another one and place it from where you finished the first ball, and start spreading it as it has been done before, continue doing this until you finish spreading the whole balls paste until the whole meat stuffing is cover. If there is any kibbah (koupas) meat stuffing not cover well, place a little vegetable oil on your hand and start pressing on top of the kibbah (koupas) paste until it cover all the kibbah (koupas) stuffing meat well (make sure the height of kibbah (koupas) paste are equaled in the bakeware), soon it finish; start cutting the kibbah (koupas) past into small squares using a knife, then start brushing the face of kibbah (koupas) past with little ghee butter.


Heat up the oven to 400oF on baked, then place the Kibbah (koupas) bakeware dish in a larger baking sheet pan, and place both in the middle of the oven, (If you want the paste to become not very dry, add a little water in the baking sheet pan) then keep it for cook for 30 minutes, after that reduce the oven heat to 350oF and keep cooking it for another 30 minutes.

How we can tell that it’s done?

The kibbah (koupas) paste face will become light brown color and the cutting lines become larger. If you want to make the paste face crunchier then set the oven on broil and keep it for another 3 minutes (or as to your preference), then turn of the oven and take it out and leave it to cool for 15 minutes before serving, then your baked Kibbah (Koupas) dish is ready to serve. Enjoy!


Lema's Recipe 

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